Emergency Power

Emergency Power


When disaster strikes, we’ve got your backup with portable power stations designed to supply safe, sustainable power during an outage.


Disaster Power

Natural disasters and power outages can happen at any time. It’s best to be prepared with a Yeti Home Backup System to keep you safe and comfortable. Simple and affordable, our systems provide you with clean, quiet power to keep you and your home running smoothly. Zero gas, zero fumes, full power.


Grab and Go Power

Goal Zero power solutions are designed to be as light and portable as possible, so you're never held up when you need to get a move on.

Emergency Power


When disaster strikes, we’ve got your backup with portable power stations designed to supply safe, sustainable power during an outage.


Disaster Power

Natural disasters and power outages can happen at any time. It’s best to be prepared with a Yeti Home Backup System to keep you safe and comfortable. Simple and affordable, our systems provide you with clean, quiet power to keep you and your home running smoothly. Zero gas, zero fumes, full power.


Grab and Go Power

Goal Zero power solutions are designed to be as light and portable as possible, so you're never held up when you need to get a move on.



When disaster strikes, we’ve got your backup with portable power stations designed to supply safe, sustainable power during an outage.


Disaster Power

Natural disasters and power outages can happen at any time. It’s best to be prepared with a Yeti Home Backup System to keep you safe and comfortable. Simple and affordable, our systems provide you with clean, quiet power to keep you and your home running smoothly. Zero gas, zero fumes, full power.


Grab and Go Power

Goal Zero power solutions are designed to be as light and portable as possible, so you're never held up when you need to get a move on.


Notre équipement est testé dans certains des environnements les plus difficiles possibles, du camp de base de l'Everest aux villages reculés du Congo. Nous sommes convaincus que si cela fonctionne, cela fonctionnera quand et où vous en aurez besoin. Cela dit, nous vous recommandons de vérifier les détails de chaque produit pour connaître les indices de durabilité. Par exemple, les banques d'alimentation Venture sont conçues pour résister aux éléments, en particulier aux environnements humides, contrairement aux centrales électriques portables Goal Zero Yeti qui doivent être maintenues au sec à tout moment. Tous nos panneaux solaires sont conçus pour être installés à l'extérieur et absorber le plus de soleil possible, quitte à résister à une ou plusieurs tempêtes. Consultez les guides d'utilisation de chaque produit pour plus d'informations, disponibles ici : (https://www.goalzero.com/user-guides/)

Les générateurs solaires utilisent une centrale électrique Yeti et un panneau solaire pour fournir une alimentation de secours essentielle. C'est si simple. Deux produits qui, combinés, constituent un générateur solaire. Nos générateurs solaires sont portables et fournissent de l'énergie propre pour recharger nos appareils ou alimenter nos maisons, camping-cars, véhicules, bateaux et, à l'occasion, nos mijoteuses sur le hayon d'après-ski.


When disaster strikes, we’ve got your backup with portable power stations designed to supply safe, sustainable power during an outage.


Disaster Power

Natural disasters and power outages can happen at any time. It’s best to be prepared with a Yeti Home Backup System to keep you safe and comfortable. Simple and affordable, our systems provide you with clean, quiet power to keep you and your home running smoothly. Zero gas, zero fumes, full power.


Grab and Go Power

Goal Zero power solutions are designed to be as light and portable as possible, so you're never held up when you need to get a move on.

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