Get to Know Our U.S. Based Solutions Center Technical Specialists
Get to Know Our U.S. Based Solutions Center Technical Specialists
The Goal Zero Solutions Center is based here in the United States, at our headquarters in Buffdale, Utah. Our team of technical specialists have first-hand knowledge on all of our products. They’re available throughout the workday to answer questions, solve problems, and offer advice on what products will work best for you.
Chayce B., a technical support agent at Goal Zero, says the thing customers should know about the Solutions Center is that it’s not a large call center.
“It’s actually very personalized,” Chayce says. “I talk to a lot of regular customers and it’s a pretty small center, which I love. It’s nice for us to get on a more personal level with customers so we can understand their situation and get to know them.”
The Solution Center handles phone calls, emails and live chats. Customers receive help on everything from technical support to returns and advice on what products to buy.
But, it’s the people in the Solutions Center that make all the difference. Like Sam F., a Solutions Center supervisor, says, everyone genuinely enjoys their job and talking about Goal Zero products in a technical way. It’s all about problem solving and getting to know the individuals calling in.
Sam enjoys when he can help a customer find the solution to their problem. But, he also likes being the “hype man” for the Solutions Center team.
“I like getting the team excited for the day and ready to tackle calls,” Sam said.
When filling a role in the Solutions Center, Sam tends to look for people who are passionate about the outdoors, have customer service experience, and who have gone above and beyond for customers in the past.
“Everyone in the Solutions Center is passionate about the company and the products,” Sam said.
Most Solutions Center technical specialists own a Goal Zero product of their own. Chayce takes her previous model Yeti 400 on camping trips, Sam uses his Yeti Power Stations for music production, and Tyler B., another technical specialist, uses his Yeti 1500X Power Station to run his parent’s fridge.
Tyler said that, when you start as a technical support specialist, it’s all about learning the ins and outs of every Goal Zero product out there.
“My learning process was sitting on the computer and studying as much as I could the first two weeks, but we are lucky to have all of our products ready to use ourselves, I've learned the most from troubleshooting with customers, our senior solutions specialists, and our product development team,” Tyler said
According to Tyler, most of his job is equipping customers with what they need to find the solution to their problem. Whether that’s extra parts, resources, advice, or technical support, Tyler is all about helping as best he can.
“I have always liked the customer interaction and something that really sets us apart is that we have a very close relationship with our customers,” Tyler said. “I have some customers who know me by name and I know them, and they call whenever they need assistance. That’s my favorite part of the job”
Our Solutions Center is based in Bluffdale, Utah, at our Goal Zero headquarters. If you have technical support questions, call the Solutions Center from 8 am to 5 pm Mountain Time, at 1-888-794-6250.