The monotonous hustle of getting by can sometimes drown out life. Wants become needs and we go on accumulating and acquiring. Sometimes we dream of escaping to the coast to put our feet in the sand. We imagine ourselves traveling, adventuring, and exploring. Our friends Adam, Emily, and their daughter Colette are have done just that. They have achieved an inspiringly simple lifestyle. In October 2012 they packed up their van in Los Angeles and headed south. After working their way through Central America and a large portion of South America they are now in Chile. They have shared and documented their journey through photos, words, and they've even shared by selling local products they find along the way. They use four Boulder 30 solar panels and several other GOAL ZERO products to keep the lights on, stay connected, and even keep the fridge cold. They live what we call the Solar Life. "Our Open Road will serve as a modern family portrait, as we shed our robes of comfort to reexamine the American Dream, we hope to inspire others to create, eat well, spend quality time together, and adventure..."- Adam Harteau. Their gear has helped them out of several situations. On one occasion they were camped at 16,000 ft in the middle of nowhere and the doors to the van were frozen shut. Their clutch had blown and they limped their way across 400 miles of Chilean desert. The beginning stages of the clutch troubles killed both of their batteries. Adam hooked up the 4 boulder 30's to the batteries and they were back on the road in no time. He mentioned that they "would have been up (a) creek without those panels- super grateful". This week they have taken over our Instagram account. We have shared a few of their photos here, but they will be showing more of their great photos via our instagram account @GoalZero. To see more of their photos visit their instagram or visit their website.

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