Brody Leven seeks out discomfort. In 2014 he and a friend, Abe Greenspan, set out on their first pedal to peaks trip with a plan to bike to and ski Mount Adams, Mount Saint Helens, and Mount Rainier. With over 200 lbs of ski, camp, bike, and glacier equipment they climbed over 55,000 vertical feet throughout the 500 mile trip.

"It seemed like a good idea on the phone, but was excruciatingly difficult in reality," said Leven. "We spent most of our time in our bikes' lowest gears, grinding up 5000-foot mountain passes in the rain."

For some reason, Leven decided to up the ante by planning another pedal to peaks expedition. The goal was to ride and ski across a wintery Norway. For this trip he was accompanied by Joey Schusler, an incredibly talented cinematographer, photographer, storyteller, and bike lover. After arriving in Norway, they set off to find skiable lines and explore the frigid expanse.

||Below, Leven shares a few thoughts and photos from the trip||

"This rig, specially designed to move me and my ski/bike/climb/glacier/camp gear across Arctic Norway during the winter, wasn’t very easy to steer. Additionally, my rear derraileur broke on the second day, leaving me with a single speed…and 200 pounds"

"There was a lot of rain, snow, and sleet during this trip. And as much as I hate stuffing wet sleeping bags and tents into waterproof bicycle panniers, the occasional sunny day allows warmth to dry everything out…IF we had time to stop and unpack. But it’d be stupid to waste a day drying when we could be skiing corn in the Arctic, right!? Thus, we were often wet."

"Our tent, just out of frame, was a home base for 2 days while we got shut down while climbing and skiing peaks in this zone. After taking this shot, Joey left his tripod on the beach for a day. He probably could have come back 3 years later and found it. This place doesn’t see much traffic…"

"Ugh. These were our biking conditions. Our skiing conditions. Our sleeping conditions. And as cold, wet, and brutal as they were, we managed to ski almost every second day. After all, this was a ski trip…we just chose to use these environmentally-friendly (but physically-draining) bicycles instead of cars."

To see more of Brody Leven,

Stay tuned for the full film that will come out next spring.

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