Monday’s update comes to us from James, one of the Goal Zero Sandy Relief Squad members.Our relief efforts were amplified today when we were able to team up with the National Guard, who got us into a restricted area within the Rockaways. We hooked up with Oscar, who is the go-to-guy for all distribution of donations to the surrounding neighborhoods. His command center is the key starting point for all relief in the area, and from this location, they run all communications, logistics and relief efforts – until the sun goes down at 5pm. You don’t always realize the power of the sun until you’re completely dependent on the light it provides. As soon as the sun went down at our location, everything came to a screeching halt. All the donations, all the communication, all of the good work being done by so many good people had to end for the day. When we showed up with Escape 150s and lights - everyone was ecstatic. They now had power to light up their hallways, to charge their computers, and keep their cellphones running so the good work they were doing could continue into the night. This is why we came.In addition to powering the communication center, we also were able to bring relief to several diabetic members of the community who had no refrigeration for their medication. We provided them with a small fridge and an Extreme 350 – what a way to save lives.After helping out at the command center, we began driving through the dark and desolate neighborhoods, seeking out families huddled around flashlights and candles. We knocked on doors for who knows how long, giving power and lights to anyone we could. The look on their faces after learning about Goal Zero Nation was priceless. We told people frequently that someone somewhere paid for the power we were giving them. It proves that we can change the world, one person at a time. As each day passes on the east coast, we are reassured of our faith in humanity. The people here are great, and when the time comes to help each other, they’re always ready.Although we’re a small team of people trying to make a difference, we would be no where without the help of the many volunteers who have stepped up to the plate. The entire force at Team Rubicon has been a critical piece of our entire effort; we can’t even begin to thank them enough. These men and women know exactly what to do in disaster situations and that knowledge has been crucial to our success. All the people at Brooklyn Boulders – holy cow, what an awesome team they have here! This awesome gym has turned into a post-apocalyptic warehouse full of equipment, sleeping areas, charging stations, and people in desperate need of help. This place has become our safehouse as well as our headquarters. For the second day in a row, the members of Occupy Sandy Relief have been a major contribution to our cause. Without their manpower, we would still be bogged down organizing the Goal Zero product into useable kits.Swan Workman from Barebones, and Goal Zero Ambassador Adam Sherlip gave us the additional hands we needed to get things done efficiently. These guys have been such a huge help, we would be stuck without them. To all the people out there reading this, thank you. Because of what you’re doing back at home with You Buy One, We Give One, we’re able to help hundreds of people out here. Cheers and much love, James

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