gA first world pain is when your iPhone battery tiptoes the 10 percent mark and you think it’s a tough break. And although we aren’t above panicking over a dead iPhone, we recognize there are bigger things to worry about—literally, which is why we developed and designed the Yeti 1250 Solar Generator.

We can tell you that the Yeti 1250 is capable of replacing household power for a significant amount of time and is completely self-sufficient and reliant on solar energy. But we would rather share a story about how the Yeti 1250 backs up big time appliances and supplies serious power wherever and whenever, like in Africa. We sent one of our Yeti’s down to find a home in the Congo. The Congo happens to fight sporadic, complete power outages throughout the day and these power outages are just a part of life. In fact, the inability for countries like the Congo to maintain electricity is one of the reasons we started making solar powered products in the first place. We caught wind of some real feedback about our Yeti in the Congo that reminded us of exactly why solar powered products are impressive and why we love doing what we do. Recently, one of our ambassadors down in the Congo was demonstrating the beast mode of the Yeti for a governor of the Democratic Republic of Congo. In true Congo fashion, the power cut out right in the middle of their discussion, leaving the house dark and quiet. They hooked the Yeti up to a TV, DVD, surround sound system, and a satellite decoder to show some of its strength and the entertainment equipment was up and running just like that. At this point, the Yeti was pulling 300 watts and had about four hours of run time. Maybe the governor was skeptical at first about the ability of the Yeti to truly work, but after he witnessed the power of it personally he bought his own Yeti on the spot. In fact, he even called a few people he knew who could really benefit from having a reliable power source like the Yeti. Word on the street is they believe our Yeti is revolutionary, and we are honored to hear that. We were told some Congo residents fire up a 40KW generator just to charge a cell phone or listen to the radio. Better yet, they mentioned that the Yeti will pay for itself considering the amount of money spent on fuel to keep their gas guzzling generators going daily. And that’s what green solar technology is all about: making power possible anywhere and making life just a little bit easier. With this in mind, we want you to share your experience with your Yeti. Don’t be shy!

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