How to Travel With Your CPAP

How to Travel With Your CPAP

Sleep apnea shouldn’t keep you from enjoying the things you love. Don’t skip that summer camping trip or give up good sleep and risk health issues by leaving your CPAP behind when you leave home. Traveling with a CPAP is possible. Let’s explore your options.  

Powering Your CPAP While Traveling 

If you can’t plug your CPAP directly into an outlet, you’ll need another way to power your machine while you sleep. Two of the best options are using a travel CPAP or using your standard CPAP with a portable power station.  

Option 1: Travel CPAP and Backup Battery 

Best for frequent flyers 

Choosing a travel CPAP means you’ll probably have to compromise a bit on features, but it’s a good option if you fly often because most travel CPAPs are smaller and easier to fit in your luggage than a standard CPAP. You can also often get FAA compliant CPAP backup batteries especially for travel CPAP machines. 

Option 2: Standard CPAP and Portable Power Station  

Best for camping and road trips  

If you’re looking for a solution that lets you take your CPAP camping and on road trips, we recommend keeping your current CPAP machine and investing in a portable power station. 


  • Versatility: A portable power station can run your CPAP, but it can also power lights, portable fridges, speakers, and more. This makes it a smart purchase if you love spending time outdoors. Plus, it can charge your phone, camera batteries, and your laptop.   
  • Comfort and Features: Travel CPAP machines may have less sophisticated air pressure settings or leave out the humidifier, which could lead to less comfortable sleep or nosebleeds. Travel CPAPs are also usually louder than standard CPAP machines.  
  • Budget: Insurance won’t always cover the cost of a travel CPAP or a CPAP backup battery. 
  • Durability: If you only get one CPAP machine, you’re usually better off with a standard version. Travel versions aren’t designed to stand up to daily use. 
  • Longer Trips: A portable power station is easy to recharge with portable solar panels so you can go further away and stay longer, while still using your CPAP to get a good night’s sleep. 

Choosing a power station for camping with your CPAP 

How much power do you need?  

Exact power usage will vary depending on the machine, but most CPAPs use 30 to 60W without a humidifier and up to 100W with a humidifier. We suggest choosing a power station that’s easy to carry, but heavy-duty enough to power your CPAP all night with hours to spare. 

Our top power station picks for camping with a CPAP: 

Goal Zero Yeti 1500X 

  • Can power a standard CPAP at 65W for up to 24 hours 
  • 45.64 pounds 
  • 1516 Watt Hours 
  • 7 port options 

    Goal Zero Yeti 1000X 

    • Can power a standard CPAP at 65W for up to 15 hours  
    • 31.68 pounds 
    • 983 Watt Hours 
    • 7 port options 

      Stay Longer with Solar 

      Want to stay out even longer? Add a portable solar panel to your setup. We offer extremely light, foldable solar panels that are easy to carry and easy to pack in with the rest of your camping gear.  

      Solar Panel Picks 

      • 6.85 pounds 
      • Foldable 
      • 50 Watts of power 
      • 10.2 pounds 
      • Foldable 
      • 100 watts of power 

      Tips for taking your CPAP camping 

      Improve your sleep and reduce stress by following these tips when taking your CPAP along for the ride next time you head out.  

      • Do a test run at home. If you’ll be using your CPAP with a power station on your camping trip, try it out at home ahead of time to make sure it works well for you. 
      • Pack extra accessories. Take a spare mask, tubes, and filters so you don’t have to cut your trip short if something gets lost or damaged on your adventures. 
      • Pack cleaning supplies. A little dirt is good for the soul, but not for your CPAP. Pack wipes or other cleaning supplies so you can keep your CPAP and your airways clear. 
      • Plan for power. Get a portable power station or choose a campsite with power and easy to access outlets. If you choose a portable power station, consider adding a solar panel so you can recharge it throughout the trip and stay out longer, further off grid.  

      We hope you enjoy your next adventure! 

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