Expedition 2 Endure: 60 days to cycling from Alaska to Argentina...

Expedition 2 Endure: 60 days to cycling from Alaska to Argentina...

"A lot can happen in 60 days. Mercury spins just one rotation in this time. Your hair will grow one half inch. You can ride a bike across the US."

E2E is now down to 2. Jay is going to stay home to focus on his snowboard career. He’s still very much a part of the team, and he’s going to join us for different stretches when he can. He’s still my best friend, and I still think the world of him. We totally and completely respect his decision, and we’re gonna miss his enthusiasm during the next year. Aside from these things, we’ll be busy. Riding. Testing gear. Fine tuning our routes. Tying up loose ends. The reality really is starting to sink in. This isn’t some hacked plan I hatched almost three years ago riding home in the back of a van after pedaling across the country. This has morphed and transformed into something larger than the sum of it’s parts. So many of you have come out and helped us, pushed us, made this happen. The fact you’re reading this is concrete evidence that you believe in what we’re doing, either that or you stumbled upon this and hopefully have taken a fond interest. Thank you. With out you, none of this worth a damn, none of this is valid. Keep feeding our fires and we’ll keep feeding yours. So with that said, we have a few important announcements... To read the rest of the post click here: http://www.expeditiontoendure.com/2010/04/60-days-out-lets-fill-you-in/

About Expedition2Endure

We’re riding our bicycles from Deadhorse, Alaska to Ushuaia ,Argentina, around 16,000 miles. We’re riding self-supported, carrying all of our equipment. We will be stopping to fly fish several watersheds as we go, on a route that will be ever changing. We’ll be fishing watersheds that have environmental and political challenges facing them, and filming the entire process to make a short episode about each, bringing both sides of the issue at hand to the table in order to offer up a meaningful solution.


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