Share the Sun: Fund for Kyrgyzstan

Share the Sun: Fund for Kyrgyzstan

The villagers remembered me from my visit 13 years ago and they couldn't be more psyched about receiving all the GZ gear” * Mike Libecki Fundraising for the first ever Share the Sun project was completed on Tuesday. GZnation and other supporters were able to raise a total of $3,190 to supply light and power for 50 villagers in 6 homes. This week Mike Libecki and his crew were on their way to climb and explore the mountains of China and Kyrgyzstan. Fully equipped with Goal Zero power (Escape 150 kits) and lights (Torch flashlights) they made the necessary detour to the village. Libecki spent time teaching the people how to use their new solar lights and battery packs. The biggest result of this project is that they wont have to burn animal dung for light in their homes anymore. In the past that is what they had to do, causing earlier death and disease. Problem solved!

After spending a day playing with the kiddos and experiencing life in the village, Mike Libecki continued his trek to the untouched world class first ascents in the Tien Shan Mountains and Western Kokshal Tau Mountains. “Absolute sweetness of life!" Says Mike Libecki. "Share The Sun Successful!” This post powered by the DeLorme SE device

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