The Goal Zero name was built around these core goals; zero apathy, zero boundaries and zero regrets. These goals drive us to help, explore and take those risks needed to to become the best version of ourselves. Thanks to these goals we have been able to become involved with different projects all around the world and in our own community.

The Goal Zero name was built around these core goals; zero apathy, zero boundaries and zero regrets. These goals drive us to help, explore and take those risks needed to to become the best version of ourselves. Thanks to these goals we have been able to become involved with different projects all around the world and in our own community. Recently, we have teamed up for a few projects with The Green Urban Lunchbox, a non-profit dedicated to educating and motivating individuals on issues related to food production and healthy eating. One of these projects is a community farm and orchard dedicated to the future of local commercial farming.

“What we’ve done is kind of like a community garden on steroids. We’ve taken this abandoned 37-acre orchard, leased it from the Utah Department of Transportation, and we now have 12 new farmers up here who are all beginning their careers in commercial agriculture,” said Shawn Peterson, Executive Director of The Green Urban Lunchbox. “We launched our incubator farm program in January based on a lot of programs around the country that are helping rebuild a base for farmers. For every 1 farmer and rancher under the age of 25, there are five who are 75 or older, so we wanted to do something about that.”

Every couple weeks for the past few months a few members of our team have been able to get their hands dirty pruning trees, chipping wood, painting and doing all kinds of farm work. Before The Green Urban Lunchbox started working the land, the property fell into disrepair through years of neglect. We have partnered with Tifie Humanitarian and BareBones Living to donate time and resources to help restore the land.

“Our involvement with the farm is something that we are really excited about. It gets our team out of the office and into the community to do some good. We all get to work side by side while enjoying a day in the sun,” said Rebecca Litchfield, Goal Zero Director of Community Programs. “Goal Zero has been involved with projects all around the world, but doing some good closer to home allows us to involve those who normally wouldn’t get the opportunity.”

To learn more about the project and The Green Urban Lunchbox visit their site.

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