You can’t be prepared for any sort of disaster if you don’t plan ahead before the event occurs. And being prepared isn’t just a concern for the southern states and their hurricanes. In the name of the ninth annual National Preparedness Month, we thought we’d share a few things to help educate the public for all emergencies ranging from natural disasters to national threats. An official site for “Emergency Preparedness and Response” breaks down the process in four steps: get a kit, make a plan, be informed and get involved. Building a kit means collecting the basic essentials in advance. Relief workers and officials do respond after emergencies, but they cannot reach everyone immediately. In an emergency, you may need to survive on your own, which means you need food, water and other supplies to last you around 72 hours.


Non-perishable food items are the best items to store. Stock up on canned food, dry mixes and food that requires little preparation. Keep the food in covered and closed containers.


Following a disaster, clean drinking water can be hard to come by or unavailable. When it comes to storing water, aim to have one gallon of water per person per day. It is recommended that you purchase commercially bottled water and that you store it in a cool, dark place.


A basic emergency supply kit also includes a first aid kit, a NOAA weather radio, flashlights, batteries and necessary medications. Additional supplies might include important family documents and identification.

SOLAR GEARStocking up on solar gear is also an excellent idea when it comes to emergency preparedness. We've created a number of kits designed specifically for emergencies to keep you going in the dark and even power critical home health care equipment. With any of our solar panels or kits, you can have access to a power source to charge your electronics or even appliances. Check out these bundles that definitely cater to your needs: • Emergency Solar Essentials Kit: Personal  Emergency Solar Essentials Kit: Family  Emergency Solar Essentials Kit: Household If you want ultimate coverage in the event of a severe power outage, a generator is the way to go. You won’t be surprised to learn we recommend the Yeti 1250 featured in our Emergency Solar Essentials Household Kit. The Yeti is completely safe to operate indoors because it does not require fuel and it produces no fumes.


If disasters strike, you need to be able to provide for your entire family. This month, make it a point to think ahead and build your emergency supply kit.

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