We are proud to announce that Joe Atkin was named as our new CEO last week. We are really excited about this change, and know that Joe’s knowledge of Goal Zero will allow us to maintain the growth and innovation we have built over the last two years. Joe, who was previously president of Goal Zero, will be replacing our founder Robert Workman. Robert will now be serving as Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors and as Chief Creative Officer of Product Development. "Joe has been a vital force within Goal Zero since joining the company full time in 2009," said Robert. "The time has come for me to focus my efforts where my passion and strengths will best serve Goal Zero going forward, and I couldn't be more excited to be able to spend more time with our highly creative product development team. I don't believe there is anyone better suited to take over the role of CEO than Joe. As President, he led the team with extraordinary vision, strategy and passion. I am confident the company is in capable hands under Joe's leadership." Before Joe came to Goal Zero, he was a senior manager at Sorenson Capital, a private equity firm in Lehi, Utah. It was at Sorenson Capital where he was first introduced to Goal Zero. Joe is an experienced entrepreneur and has started four businesses. He has also served as president, CFO and VP of Marketing for several businesses. He received an MBA from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. "I am extremely appreciative of Robert's endorsement of me and the team," said Joe. "He is a visionary and a great mentor. It's not often that one gets the chance to work with a person like Robert, who truly believes in empowering people to reach their potential. I've been able to witness first-hand how a focus on building the team has translated into individual growth and collective success that is nearly unprecedented in today's market. I look forward to continuing to empower our employees, shareholders and customers." Before Robert founded Goal Zero, he was the owner of Provo Craft and Novelty Inc. for 30 years. He expanded the company from a single store in Provo, Utah to become a worldwide manufacturer and distributor of craft and hobby products. In 2007, Robert established TIFIE Humanitarian (Teaching Individuals and Families Independence though Enterprise), a nonprofit organization that assists communities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Western Samoa, helping them create a better life. It was through his efforts with TIFIE that Robert realized the need for portable power and light, creating the inspiration for Goal Zero. We continue to work closely with our sister company, TIFIE Humanitarian and donate a portion of the proceeds from all Goal Zero purchases.

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