Adaptive eBikes on the White Rim Trail | Goal Zero
Adaptive eBikes on the White Rim Trail | Goal Zero
We’re excited to spotlight a recent accomplishment of the Telluride Adaptive Sports Program. This organization strives to challenge, inspire, and empower and we were honored to contribute a small part to their White Rim Trail adventure in October 2022.
The Telluride Adaptive Sports Program (TASP) planned a challenging undertaking in Canyonlands National Park. With support from Goal Zero and Rim Tours of Moab, ten adaptive mountain bikers took on the 100-mile White Rim Trail.
Over the course of 4 days and 3 nights, this group of athletes completed the 100-mile loop, getting the chance to challenge themselves with the steep, exposed and rocky trail. This trail provides a unique and expansive view of Canyonlands national park and the stunning scenery there.
About the team
“This trip brought together a pretty amazing group of people that made me feel incredibly connected to the adaptive community.”
--Cecelia Black, Adaptive eBike athlete
TASP’s program director Tim McGough selected the ten riders for this trip from a competitive group of over 20 applicants. Applicants needed past biking experience and were chosen based on their skill, type of equipment, ability to mix well with the group, and their “tolerance for grit.”
In the end, ten athletes between the ages of 30 and 50 were chosen to join TASP on the challenging trail.
Equipping adaptive ebike athletes for an outdoor adventure
Successfully completing this 100-mile loop required stamina and skill, but it also required the right equipment.
Each rider brought their own ebike and carried water and snacks along the trail. At the end of the day they camped and used Goal Zero power stations as electric bike chargers to make sure they were ready to hit the trail again in the morning.
Goal Zero supplies included:
- Yeti 3000X power stations for electric bike chargers.
- Nomad 200 solar panels to recharge power stations from the sun.
- A vehicle integration kit to recharge the power stations from the support vehicles.
Tackling the White Rim Trail
“There wasn’t a single person that complained or whined on the trip. I don’t think I’ve been around this many tough, happy, alive people for four days ever before. The amount of camaraderie and teamwork that came out of it amazed me, too. We weren’t individuals biking the White Rim, we were an entity. Everyone supported each other. If we were going to succeed, it would be all of us succeeding.”
--Topher Downham, Adaptive eBike athlete
Completing the 100-mile loop in Canyonlands National Park was a serious undertaking, but this resilient group faced the challenge with a positive attitude and were happy to accomplish such an impressive feat. Throughout the entire trip, no one complained or sat out any section of the route. They supported each other and finished the trip together.
We’re inspired by this incredible group of athletes and excited to see what TASP does next. You can read more about the trip in this article from the Telluride Daily Planet.